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At both of my locations in Hamburg, I work with state-of-the-art equipment to keep you fully in view and ensure accurate diagnostics. You benefit from my many years of experience and expertise in radiology and neuroradiology. In doing so, trust, connection and clarity are my values on which I base my entire spectrum of offerings.
Technical equipment:
3 Tesla – MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) short tunnel length of 1.40 cm and the largest diameter on the market of 70 cm.
MRI , large diameter MRI for patients with claustrophobia, breast MRI, MRI-assisted pain therapy (PRT).
Especially for breast cancer pre- and post-treatment, I use the latest imaging techniques such as MRI to have the smallest changes immediately in view and thus enable optimal treatment.
MRI Mamma
900 euro
In this area, I look at the brain, skull and spine, as well as the visual pathway and sensory organs in MRI. Among other things, inflammatory diseases, multiple sclerosis (MS), dizziness, tinnitus or complaints in connection with the pituitary gland are clarified.
For exclusion and diagnosis of vascular diseases, aneurysms, tumors, circulatory disorders, diseases of the cranial nerves. Assessment of neuropathies, neuralgias, neuritis, headaches, and early signs of infarction.
MRI head native
MRI head with contrast medium
MRI head with neck angiography
750 euro
830 euros
1030 euro
For the clarification of pain and discomfort in the area of the spine ( cervical spine, thoracic spine and lumbar spine) as well as for the follow-up of trauma ,I look at these areas in the MRI medically holistic .
I evaluate the structures of the soft tissue of the neck, including the structures of the floor of the mouth, the trachea and larynx, the salivary glands with salivary gland ducts, and the cervical lymph nodes.
MRI of soft tissues of the neck with contrast medium
MRI spine (cervical spine, thoracic spine or lumbar spine) native
MRI spine (cervical spine, thoracic spine or lumbar spine)
with contrast medium
MRI of the entire spine native
750 euro
530 Euro 750 Euro
1000 Euro
A special area of expertise includes CMD diagnostics using special temporomandibular joint coils. Here I can, among other things, show inflammatory changes (arthritis) in the temporomandibular joint at an early stage in rheumatoid diseases or show the causes of a malfunction (clicking, lockjaw, grinding – in the sense of a craniomandibular dysfunction).
MRI temporomandibular joint native
MRI temporomandibular joint with contrast medium
450 Euro
680 euro
Also in the area of bones and joints I offer a wide range of possibilities to clarify complaints and to see causes of chronic pain holistically. These include the consideration of the musculoskeletal system ( including shoulder, knee, hip), rheumatism diagnostics or hand surgery issues. Also injuries of the musculature , muscle tears or strains, bursitis, tendon injuries and many more. can be assessed especially in athletically active people.
MRI hip native
MRI hip with contrast medium
MRI joint native
MRI joint with contrast agent MRI lower leg/thigh MRI forearm/upper arm native with contrast agent
430 euros
550 euro
430 euros
550 Euro 430Euro 550 Euro
One of my specialties is cardiac imaging (cardiac imaging) using MRI. It makes it possible to take a close look at the heart chambers, heart valves and adjacent vessels and thus detect pathological changes at an early stage. In addition, cardiac function can be assessed and possible myocarditis, infarct scars, or post-covid changes can be detected, sometimes without the use of a contrast agent. In a stress MRI examination, a possible risk of infarction or pre-existing circulatory disorders can be assessed.
MRI heart without stress
MRI heart with stress
MRI vessels (aorta, neck vessels) MRI pelvic and leg vessels
1300 euro
1500 Euro
1200 euro
1200 Euro
Using image-guided pain therapy ( periradicular pain therapy), I can provide you with rapid, radiation-free relief from back pain caused by wear and tear of the spine, herniated discs or narrowing of the spinal canal. For this purpose, appropriate medication (local anesthetics, cortisone) is injected into the relevant area. This is particularly suitable for young patients due to the lack of X-ray radiation.
Individualized cost plan preparation according to the therapy needed.
In the area of internal organs, I clarify the abdominal and pelvic organs, including the liver, the pancreas, the gall bladder with the bile ducts and the urinary organs. For this I use MR urography as well as MRCP. Also small intestine examinations ( MRT Sellink) I perform, for example, in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
MRI thorax with contrast medium
MRI abdomen native
MRI abdomen with contrast medium
MRI upper abdomen native
MRI upper abdomen with contrast agent MRI pel vis native
MRI pelvis with contrast medium
750 euro
750 euro
990 Euro
550 euro
870 Euro 550 Euro 780 Euro
Using high-resolution multiparametric MRI, we exclude abnormalities in the prostate and can accurately visualize suspicious areas. In addition to assessing the female reproductive organs (ovaries, uterus), e.g. in the case of the desire to have children, unclear bleeding, endometriosis or myoma control, I also offer measurement of the birth canal for birth planning.
MRI pelvis native
MRI pelvis with contrast medium
MRI prostate
550 euro
780 euro
900 euro
For adults and children, I offer full-body MRIof the head, thorax, abdomen and pelvis.
MRI whole body native
MRI whole body with contrast medium
1300 euro
1800 euro
medneo Diagnostic Center
Alter Wall 55
20457 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 696326012 +49 40 696326011 +49 151 40763814 (WhatsApp)